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Las Vegas - sTr - 06-21-2012

[imgwrap=left][/imgwrap] Growing up in the mid-west I heard all these wonderful things about Vegas so naturally when I moved to Arizona I had to check this place out. It was everything I imagined it would be and more. By now it should be no secret that I like to binge drink on a frequent basis so you know I gotta love a place where ou can openly drink on the streets. Plus, if you’re smart enough you can drink for free. My favorite thing to do would be to spot the drink lady at any given casino, go sit about 10 feet in front of her at a slot machine. From there, order your drink, rinse and repeat. Also, a lot of the casino will give you free gambling money if it’s your first time there, so free gambling and free booze, sign me up!

Everywhere you go there are people giving out business cards for hookers. Normally this would be sketchy behavior, but not in Vegas. The main strip is comprised of rows and rows of these guys, slapping the card against their palm and handing them out. Like, I get that they are slapping the card against their hand to get your attention, but on the flip side it’s kind of hard not to notice 50 dudes trying to hand you flyers for hookers. All the people handing them out look like they just escaped from a 3rd world country and for whatever reason they all look like they are two feet shorter than an average human being, that’s the creepy part. If I’m gonna get a sandwich I’m generally not going to buy it from a shady establishment. To me the same applies to something I’m most likely going to put my dick inside of.

[imgwrap=right][/imgwrap]Vegas really tries to make it a family destination, but just because your kid can go to the M&M store doesn’t mean it is. I feel bad for all the kids there, their trip consists of walking on a specific path of carpet all the
way up to their hotel room, eating over priced food (not like those little shits care how much money you spend on them) and swimming. These are things that you can do anywhere. These kids parents should just leave them at home with a stock pile of food and hope for the best, it’s not like they are keeping a close eye on their kids in Vegas. I can just imagine 90% of the time the kids are locked in the hotel room while mommy and daddy are shooting blow off of some hookers tits. If you’re still free of the shackles of children I say you give this place a shot. If you do have kids, leave those little fuckers at home and go to Vegas anyway.

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