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taking my kids to WWE RAW - Printable Version

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taking my kids to WWE RAW - dirtymonkey22 - 04-17-2012

so I just got tickets to Raw next week and i'm taking my 4 and 5 year old and when I asked my 4 year old if he wanted to go he said we see the underRaker. I only got tickets because I 5 year old was watching TNA with me and said ( Daddy I want to go there )

do you guys think it ok to take them i think andy will fall asleep anyway

Re: taking my kids to WWE RAW - Grimlin - 04-17-2012

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:do you guys think it ok to take them i think andy will fall asleep anyway

Only you would know that answer....... Wrestling can be violent and gory @ times.

The kids might get bored in between matches,but I don't really know...I've never been to wrestling matches myself.

Re: taking my kids to WWE RAW - sTr - 04-17-2012

they'll love it, wrestling is awesome and any kid in their right mind would be going nuts in the arena. Make signs, get them caught up on the story lines, plus who doesn't love Brock Lesnar....

Re: taking my kids to WWE RAW - dirtymonkey22 - 04-18-2012

sTr Wrote:they'll love it, wrestling is awesome and any kid in their right mind would be going nuts in the arena. Make signs, get them caught up on the story lines, plus who doesn't love Brock Lesnar....

Story line wise I don't think they really care being 4& 5 and when I what wrestling they will watch on and off. They started liking wrestling when I put on wwe's best cage matchs on Netflix and Joey was amazed asking 100 questions and I didn't even realize my 4 year old even new the undertakers name

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