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anyone getting the psvita? - Printable Version

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anyone getting the psvita? - sTr - 02-13-2012

! wasn't excited about it until recently. There are a lot of cool features, mainly ways for them to make more money. For example, the ultimate controller idea is fucking sweet, but it only works if you own both the $60 ps3 version and the $40 psvita version of the game, on your $250-$300 psvita, depending on which model you get.

What ! do like if the fact that is has access to psn to buy games and it uses the same user pool for online gaming. It would have been nice if it played the old psp games though.

tell me your thoughts, fun boys....

Re: anyone getting the psvita? - Paullehh - 02-13-2012

Fuck all that, not for me.

Re: anyone getting the psvita? - sTr - 02-13-2012

3ds fan?

Re: anyone getting the psvita? - Paullehh - 02-13-2012

Nah, just not into hand held gaming really.
Play a couple android games on my phone if on the bus sometimes but that's it.

Re: anyone getting the psvita? - sTr - 02-14-2012

! always imagined that you would be considering your mom is all up on my handheld, heyoooooo....

Re: anyone getting the psvita? - Grimlin - 02-15-2012

My kid is hardcore into hand held games.He does have the 3ds.....I hope he doesn't see this one....

Re: anyone getting the psvita? - sTr - 02-16-2012

it'll be cheaper within a year, just like the 3ds was. that's what !'m hoping/waiting for... ! still want to get a 3ds, which ! may do in the near future.