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don't inject silicone in your penis or this could happen - Printable Version

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don't inject silicone in your penis or this could happen - Insanecowposse - 12-13-2011

Kasia Rivera of New Jersey administered silicon injections into a 22-year-old man's penis at a "pumping party" in May. The next day the guy died.

The medical examiner determined the cause of death as silicone embolism as a result of the injection. (Basically, this means the silicon got into his bloodstream and caused a clot in his lungs.)

Kasia now faces manslaughter charges.

Re: don't inject silicone in your penis or this could happen - Paullehh - 12-13-2011

Without pics of said bloated silicon cock this thread is full of fail :(

I shall attempt to ease the disappointment of future thread clickers.
[Image: rodpg.jpg]

Re: don't inject silicone in your penis or this could happen - Insanecowposse - 12-14-2011

Your not gonna like it kinda gross but paul requested some pics so fuck it silicone injected dicks for everyone to share click the link if your dare its really fucking gross and shit

Re: don't inject silicone in your penis or this could happen - Paullehh - 12-14-2011

That's a chub

Re: don't inject silicone in your penis or this could happen - sTr - 12-14-2011

stop being a pussy and post that shit.... fuck it, here you go everybody....

[Image: sur-05.jpg]

Re: don't inject silicone in your penis or this could happen - Paullehh - 12-15-2011

You should get that up for the front banner. attract the ladies to B6 with a chubber like that.

Re: don't inject silicone in your penis or this could happen - Ms Felony - 01-01-2012

you sick fkers