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Its been a while, since ive been home - Printable Version

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Its been a while, since ive been home - Stoopid Dog - 05-17-2011

or whatever.

Whats up homos that dont post on faccebook or have me added.

Myself, will become a proud parent of a baby boy on Friday, my baby girl is two already. Good shit. Been mushroom hunting like crazy but the season is now over, next in line is some good ol bass/cat fishing.

But ya, online world is overrated. So Ill probably check this next year or something. Drunk Bum

Re: Its been a while, since ive been home - Grimlin - 05-18-2011

Thumbs Up Cheers

I've been fishing on any free time I get from work. Working a 58 hour week,hanging with the family and getting fishing time in hasn't been easy.