Board 6
This girl has a footlong insect as a pet - Printable Version

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This girl has a footlong insect as a pet - Insanecowposse - 05-14-2011

Holy shit kill it kill it waaaaaaaaaaah!

Re: This girl has a footlong insect as a pet - Paullehh - 12-05-2011

That's a pretty rad insect :)

Re: This girl has a footlong insect as a pet - Midgetfuxer - 12-05-2011

That made my skin crawl

Re: This girl has a footlong insect as a pet - juggalogigolo - 12-06-2011

i want one

Re: This girl has a footlong insect as a pet - Ms Felony - 12-06-2011

i dont

Re: This girl has a footlong insect as a pet - Autumn - 12-07-2011

Awww, it says that she died from a fungal infection. :( Poor gigantic, terrifying bug!

Re: This girl has a footlong insect as a pet - Paullehh - 12-07-2011

Holy shit..that's a dude.

Re: This girl has a footlong insect as a pet - juggalogigolo - 12-07-2011