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what are you buying/getting for xmas - Printable Version

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what are you buying/getting for xmas - sTr - 12-24-2010

bitches, !'m not getting or giving anything. need ! say best xmas ever....

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - Insanecowposse - 12-24-2010

stuff for a few people that cost a few dollars and a fw minutes of my time.

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - Autumn - 12-24-2010

Is a few minutes of your time even worth anything? ;) I spent too much money, but it's fun to give gifts. I did get Epic Mickey, Kirby's Epic Yarn, $50 from my dad, Hello Kitty slippers, a Chococat purse, an SRH lanyard for my keys, and a fuckin' Neocube. Awesome. Happy

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - Insanecowposse - 12-24-2010

I went to the balck friday event at toys r us and got hooked up pretty good. It took hours just to get inside. So i just grabbed a bunch of stuff so i wouldn't have to do it again.

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - Paullehh - 12-24-2010

Spent a fortune on stuff here. peoples should be happy with there gifts :)

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - Autumn - 12-24-2010

I think I did fairly well buying stuff for people. I don't have tons to work with, but I did alright.

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - Grimlin - 12-24-2010

I didn't buy shit.......

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - Autumn - 12-24-2010

So, midge got all the gifts for Conner?

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - CranialEntropy - 12-24-2010

For my bro - some simple sketching art supplies, a paper suit, and a book of stuff judd apatow found funny
his finance - a bomb ass cookbook and some weird bath sludge
mom - flip videothangy
dad- 5 finger vibram

and my best friend i got her some crazy giant dinosaur head im having mounted on a plaque so it can be hung up in her living room as if she hunted it. This may have been a tipsy 3am purchase.

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - Autumn - 12-24-2010

Dinosaur Mount FTW! I would totally put that in my living room.

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - Grimlin - 12-25-2010

Autumn Wrote:So, midge got all the gifts for Conner?

For the most part yeah.She knows how to shop.

I usually do a secret Christmas exchange on a fishing board,buy something for some body and they buy you stuff. Cool way to pick up some fishing stuff other people have success on.I do it just about every year since 03'.

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - Autumn - 12-25-2010

We should do that here! That would be so much fun! Happy

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - sTr - 12-25-2010

hell yeah, we'll have xmas in july...

Re: what are you buying/getting for xmas - F-Disk - 12-26-2010

i gots 50 from my gma 30 from my aunt and uncle a 1.5tb hard drive from my mom