Board 6
ninja head kick in MMA - Printable Version

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ninja head kick in MMA - dirtymonkey22 - 12-18-2010

This is WEC's last card they are merging with the ufc and the winner of this fight fights the ucf lightweight champ a unification titll bout.
the head kick won him the belt in this fight

Re: ninja head kick in MMA - Grimlin - 12-18-2010

Damn...what a kick.....

Re: ninja head kick in MMA - dirtymonkey22 - 12-18-2010

i fuckin know you dont see shit like that on TNA

Re: ninja head kick in MMA - sTr - 12-18-2010

you see better shit on TNA.. but that was excellent

Re: ninja head kick in MMA - Autumn - 12-24-2010

That was fucking amazing.