Board 6
B6BQ!!! - Printable Version

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B6BQ!!! - Autumn - 12-15-2010

Sitting here, reading through old B6 posts and the like..
Why don't we plan a B6BQ @ GOTJ '11? We have plenty of time to get it all planned and set up..


Re: B6BQ!!! - sTr - 12-15-2010

! may even drudge through another gathering for this epic event...

Re: B6BQ!!! - Paullehh - 12-15-2010

No, for logistical reasons :(

Re: B6BQ!!! - sTr - 12-15-2010

you son of a bitch...

Re: B6BQ!!! - Paullehh - 12-15-2010

It's a bit of a Journey for me dude..
Scotland aint one of the 50 states..... yet.

Re: B6BQ!!! - Autumn - 12-15-2010

Well, Paullehh, you suck! Happy

STR, you definitely have to come to this one!

Re: B6BQ!!! - Grimlin - 12-16-2010

I don't even have time off...and what little time i do have off is spent down in Texas with my mom and pop. Unless it in Michigan like the first one was I won't be there otherwise.

Stephan's ass had to go move to Arizona.

Re: B6BQ!!! - TheB6Bitch - 12-16-2010

i will make an apperance

Re: B6BQ!!! - Autumn - 12-16-2010

YAY!!! Melissa, you better not be lying to me, because I will come kill you.. only because I love you. <3

Re: B6BQ!!! - TheB6Bitch - 12-16-2010

JESUS! im about 95 percent sure ill be there if not you can come kill me...we will hang out and stuff first tho right? i miss you lol

Re: B6BQ!!! - Autumn - 12-17-2010

Yeah, we'll hang out, play some LBP, and in the end... I won't kill you. <3