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!'ve been up for 42 hours in a row - Printable Version

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!'ve been up for 42 hours in a row - sTr - 12-08-2010

! started work at 6AM on Monday morning, everything seemed normal at first. That's when ! knew something was up. First thing ! hear before ! can even turn on my computer is my co-worker telling me she's leaving at 6:30am instead of 7am. When ! asked why she told me she didn't take a lunch, which is a lame excuse because there is no work on the overnights. Regardless, she leaves but that was when ! remembered my other co-worker, the one that comes in at 7am is on vacation for a week. She bamboozled me, she knew she would have to stay late if she stayed.

Anyway, ! work my ass off all day and when 3pm comes around the first thing ! do is head for the bar. ! have been frequenting this nice cozy place called Mister G's lately. The owner is good times and the food is pretty bad ass. It was Monday Night, so that meant time to watch some football, son. The game ended up being a real stinker, especially because the winners (Patriots). The night was going good until ! get a call from my boss, the girl from earlier called out and they wanted to know if ! wanted to work. ! told them not really, but asked if they needed it urgently and for some reasons they said they did. ! let them know that ! was drunk so they couldn't hold that to me and they agreed. ! headed out of the bar around 10:30pm and picked up a few brews on my way to work.

Started my shift at 11pm and there's this lady there that despises me. The story goes that she narked someone out and someone narked her out to the girl she narked out and she thinks ! am the one that narked her out, which is incorrect. Needless to say, ! figured if she was going to be mad at me ! would give her a reason to be. Recently, ! found out this lady was OCD, so everyday ! move something on her desk. Nothing crazy, it's always something subtle like switching the direction on the nozel of her hand sanitizer. Or moving a tack from the left side of the cube to the right. The thing that put her over the edge is when replaced one of her black pens with a blue pen. She had a meeting with our boss that day and he thought she was insane, eat it, don't fuck with the retard. ! had to hide my beers in the bushes until she left. Once she was gone, it was party time. The bamboozle wasn't over just yet, this is when ! realized that that guy was still on vacation, so instead of getting out at 7am, ! had to stay until 8am.

! also forgot to mention that ! walked to work because of the drinking. Being already up for over 24 hours ! had to walk home, in flip flops none the less. Yes, it gets chilly here in AZ. Surprisingly ! caught the free bus on my way home so that did half of my trip for me. When ! got home ! started working on some web projects because ! like to stay productive, and it makes me feel cool. This went on until about 11am when ! decided ! was going to sleep until at least 4pm. ! laid down, turned on some TV and wasn't really feeling tired, but it felt nice to lay down. At that moment ! got a call from my ex-g/f who ! haven't spoken with in some time. She has a new man and !'m not interested in getting back with her but we are still decent friends. ! figured if she was calling out of the blue something may have been up. Her dad had a heart attack, so that's when ! got out of bed and figured !'d go pay him a visit at the hospital. It was already a day or two after the fact and he was in a better condition then previously, and why waste a good daytime day off, ! could always sleep later.

It was about a 20 minute drive to the hospital, but it's always nice to drive through new areas. ! spent a few hours there talking and cracking jokes, everyone loves the retard. ! got back in my area around 3pm and wanted to stop by my favorite bar, Mister G's to show him some changes ! had made to his site. ! told him ! was only staying for one beer because ! still hadn't slept yet. He was amazed that ! looked awake as ! was, me as well. Halfway into my one beer one of the people ! work with came into the bar, ! can't turn down a good drinking partner so it was on. We drank pretty hard up until 10:30pm. ! finished up a few things there and headed back to my house shortly before midnight. We got our awesome website back withing a reasonable time frame, which is always nice. In less than a month this site will have been around for 11 years, hoody hoo for that. At this point ! have been up for over 42 hours and !'m almost tempted to stay up and work through it an see how long ! cazzZZzzZZzzZZzzZZzzzzzzz.....

Re: !'ve been up for 42 hours in a row - Insanecowposse - 12-08-2010

It would take me 48 hours to read that and i am lazy son

Re: !'ve been up for 42 hours in a row - sTr - 12-08-2010

it's a good one, you lazy bastid...

Re: !'ve been up for 42 hours in a row - Autumn - 12-09-2010

I read it and pictured you doing this stuff. Way to paint a vivid picture, ReRe! :)