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Ugly Betty Star DECAPITATES HIS MOM! - Printable Version

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Ugly Betty Star DECAPITATES HIS MOM! - Insanecowposse - 11-28-2010

Link to the crime photos
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... hael_.html</a><!-- m -->
Michael Brea to those who knew him was a gentle, compassionate, and spiritual man, but on Tuesday Brea went from being gentle to becoming a killer. Brandishing a samurai sword, the 31 year old Ugly Betty actor killed his mother, because he believed she had a demon inside of her.

Brea so far is remorseless about the murder. When he heard she had died from the wounds sustained at his hands, he said, "So be it. It was the work of God."

According to New York Daily News, who interviewed Brea after the incident, Brea said he felt like Neo from The Matrix, hearing voices and feeling powerful. So it seems safe to assume that insanity, or temporary insanity, will be claimed when this case goes to trial.

He still has his family and friends standing by him. According to CBS News, relatives made a statement on Friday in support for Brea, calling him "a compassionate, gentle, intelligent, spiritual and loving man in need of help." They went on to say "His family and friends know, without question, that Michael was not well in the moments leading to (his mother's) death".

That Michael Brea wasn't well, seems pretty obvious. It seems like there should have been noticeable signs that he had problems, but if so, no one has come forward to make a statement to confirm it. Brea doesn't feel like he killed his mother, telling an interviewer "I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her."

It's too bad that this young actor couldn't calm his own demons. Looking at the pictures of the crime scene, tells a horror story in itself, and doesn't paint a picture of a gentle and compassionate man. Bloody walls, shown in the picture, show how dark of a place Brea was in at the time of the murder, and leave chills running down our spines thinking of this poor mother's final moments.

Re: Ugly Betty Star DECAPITATES HIS MOM! - sTr - 11-28-2010

that's pretty intense and once again confirms my belief that ! never want to believe in god...

Re: Ugly Betty Star DECAPITATES HIS MOM! - Grimlin - 11-28-2010

sTr Wrote:that's pretty intense and once again confirms my belief that ! never want to believe in god...

This isn't religious related.....Just some dumb fuck who's using it as an excuse to get away/justify murder.

It actually pisses me off when people say this.

Re: Ugly Betty Star DECAPITATES HIS MOM! - Autumn - 11-29-2010

How ridiculous.

Re: Ugly Betty Star DECAPITATES HIS MOM! - Grimlin - 11-29-2010

In fairness somebody should kill the Demon inside of him too. ;)

Re: Ugly Betty Star DECAPITATES HIS MOM! - TheB6Bitch - 11-29-2010

i agree im sure he has some in him also , just cause of genetics

Re: Ugly Betty Star DECAPITATES HIS MOM! - Autumn - 11-30-2010

That makes a valid point. If the mother was demonized, the son probably got a quarter demon in him as well. Crazy fucker.