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when's the last time you got your nose broken? - Printable Version

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when's the last time you got your nose broken? - sTr - 11-26-2010

today for me... good times :)

Re: when's the last time you got your nose broken? - dirtymonkey22 - 11-27-2010

how ive never broke my jew nose

Re: when's the last time you got your nose broken? - Grimlin - 11-27-2010

Came close but never actually broke it. I passed out at a eye doctor when i got steel slivers stuck in my eye...Somehow i passed out after i was done patched up and ready to leave at the clerk desk.As i fell i slammed my nose against the desk corner.I woke up all bloodied up...LOL. That's how you draw a crowd in public.

Re: when's the last time you got your nose broken? - tdot - 11-27-2010

a fight in high school like 5 years ago

Re: when's the last time you got your nose broken? - Insanecowposse - 11-27-2010

Boxing 1992

Re: when's the last time you got your nose broken? - sTr - 11-28-2010

My lady elbowed me in the face and punched me in the nose. It was epic

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: when's the last time you got your nose broken? - dirtymonkey22 - 11-28-2010

please tell me you kicked her in the lady junk

Re: when's the last time you got your nose broken? - Insanecowposse - 11-28-2010

Whew Larry posted on here so i assumed he was going to say the last time i got my nose broken was by a 5 year old with a pirate ship bath toy getting smashed in my face. That would have been embarrasing.