Board 6
Its wrong to laugh at the handicapped BUT..... - Printable Version

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Its wrong to laugh at the handicapped BUT..... - Insanecowposse - 10-27-2010

This shit is funny!
[Image: batmanb.jpg]

Re: Its wrong to laugh at the handicapped BUT..... - Grimlin - 10-27-2010

So wrong....LOL

Re: Its wrong to laugh at the handicapped BUT..... - sTr - 10-27-2010

! was at thee bar earlier and ! was talking about strippers and ! said they should have knubs instead of hands so they don't ask for money and my buddy was like "! hope they have what?", and ! said, knus really loud and there was a lady two tables over from us that had knubs instead of legs, ! felt like a jerk...

Re: Its wrong to laugh at the handicapped BUT..... - N-Do - 10-29-2010

bajaj, sounds like a scene from a movie.

Re: Its wrong to laugh at the handicapped BUT..... - TheB6Bitch - 11-24-2010

only DP