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Should ! feel bad? - Printable Version

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Should ! feel bad? - sTr - 10-04-2010

So my buddy at work, he just turned 22. He has been telling me that he wanted to bag this girl (she's 27) that used to work here forever, but she was engaged so he never had a chance. She ended up getting left by her fiance, so she moved back to AZ. He went out of his way to get her her job back so he could try and bang her again.

About two weeks after she came back he gave her the ultimatum that he wanted to know if they would hook up or not. Since he put it in such a manner she said no, but she did tell him that they should still be friends. He told me this and was pretty much ignoring her since then. My and my friend went to Oktoberfest Saturday night and we kept seeing that girl and her friend. At first he was trying to ignore them. then he started hinting that I should get their attention so he could talk to her friend. I was down, but every time I was about he would stop me. After a while I told him to stop being a pussy and I hit them up. Needless to say we got trashed and we all partied a little more until we headed back to Casa de Retard.

A bit after we got there her friend passed out and my friend was by her side still trying to hook up with her. At the same time me and the girl that we work with were hitting it off, if you catch my drift. He came into my room without knocking and caught us in the act. He made a big scene about it but still stayed the night. It was kind of awkward, but should I feel bad. She told him she wasn't interested, he was trying to hook up with someone else. Besides all that she is 27, I am 26 and he just turned 22. What do you think?

Re: Should ! feel bad? - dirtymonkey22 - 10-04-2010

ha you kinda pulled a me hahahahahhahahhahaha

Re: Should ! feel bad? - Insanecowposse - 10-04-2010

Hooking up with her not bad but hooking up with her in fornt of him when you know she was like his dream girl is kinda shitty. He had no chance and all but damn that still has to hurt. Kinda pulled a me.

Re: Should ! feel bad? - sTr - 10-04-2010

it wasn't like i purposely did it front of them. we were in my house an d me and the girl were in my room with the door closed. plus, we were pretty trashed, judgement is null at that point.

Re: Should ! feel bad? - F-Disk - 10-05-2010

No u shouldn't feel bad

Re: Should ! feel bad? - Slacker - 10-05-2010

you should have kicked his balls in for busting in on you, or at least tried to skeet on her tits while he was in the room

Re: Should ! feel bad? - Grimlin - 10-05-2010

She told him no,He was already hitting on another girl...I can't see anything you did wrong.I would have swung that story in front of his face hardcore.The proceed to tell him to get the fuck out.He sounds like a greedy bastard.

It would have been different if they both liked each other and he wasn't hitting on some other chick either. Then you may have a reason to feel guilty.But in this case you don't.

Re: Should ! feel bad? - N-Do - 10-08-2010

So, he was alone with a passed out girl, and he decides to go into your room?

No, you are all in the clear.