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Halloween this year... - Printable Version

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Halloween this year... - Stoopid Dog - 10-02-2010

will be my daughter basically first one that she gets to actually experience it. Im stoked.

Re: Halloween this year... - Insanecowposse - 10-02-2010

What do you plan on dressing up as or dressing her up as?

Re: Halloween this year... - Stoopid Dog - 10-02-2010

Me, nothing, her, I'm going out next week shopping for her a costume. They have alot out now so better get it out the way. Ill be sure to post pics.

Re: Halloween this year... - sTr - 10-02-2010

instead of going as nothing, do something that's natural to you. dress up as goatse....

Re: Halloween this year... - Grimlin - 10-03-2010

My kid is going as "Mario" from the mario bros game. That kid loves mario brother games....I won't have to work I'm actually looking forward to going to my first Halloween night out here in Michigan with my kid.I already missed his first 5 years.

I'm just glad it lands on a Sunday....i wish it would every year.

Re: Halloween this year... - Stoopid Dog - 10-03-2010

Thats pretty cool. I was telling my niece she should go as Waldo and hide between the kids. I think that would be awesome.

Re: Halloween this year... - Phantom - 10-04-2010

I'm gonna dress up my five kids as little mexicans and pick them up from school with a pick up truck. I'll yell AN-DELAY and have them all jump in.

Re: Halloween this year... - Insanecowposse - 10-04-2010

cool then they can build me a porch for the cost of supplies and like 50 cents. I'm not sure we are even taking the baby out for halloween because it might be too cold for someone so young. But if we do go out she will probably be a ladybug. <yes i know lady bugs are male insects but hell it will look cute anyways. My little male insect awww how adorable.