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how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Printable Version

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Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-30-2009

He's a crybaby.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Autumn - 07-30-2009

This thread was completely ridiculous. If you really want to know a valid answer, ask someone who has gone down on both sexes and see what they come up with. Case dismissed.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - dirtymonkey22 - 07-30-2009

thats why i said ask ms felony

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - sTr - 07-30-2009

Autumn Wrote:This thread was completely ridiculous. If you really want to know a valid answer, ask someone who has gone down on both sexes and see what they come up with. Case dismissed.

so what's the verdict autumn?

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Autumn - 07-30-2009

-never licked the cat. Sorry.

And, I'm pretty sure Felony is a straight male, but dresses like a female.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - sTr - 07-30-2009

Oh, word, wasn't trying to offent, just thought you were eluding to something there. And yeah felony ain't no fag, just likes to dress up, can't say ! Blame him, ! Do the same shit every now and then, tis fun....

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Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Insanecowposse - 07-30-2009

someone in b6 goes both ways and needs to settle this! Don't worry B6 won't judge you.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Grimlin - 07-30-2009

I thought shiro said he went both ways.....

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Star - 07-30-2009

i've done both and it's not the same, end of discussion.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Star - 07-30-2009

oh and if you're constantly swallowing an amount equivalent to male ejaculate you're doing it wrong

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Grimlin - 07-30-2009

[Image: themoreyouknow.jpg]

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Insanecowposse - 07-30-2009

Thank you Star I appreciate your input. I have to say tho with the fact that sickeness and what you eat reflects upon the taste of both bodily fluids that even two womens ejaculate and two mens ejaculate would taste different from each other and so I believe that all male fluids taste different from each other and all female fluids taste different from each other.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Autumn - 07-30-2009

I'm not offended, you should know that by now. I figured my girl would know. :) <3

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Star - 07-30-2009


Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Autumn - 07-30-2009

You're so cute! lol

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Star - 07-31-2009

i started typing this whole speech, about how that was a long time ago, right before i met fred, and i have no desire to do it again, and that's not why i like you, i just like you because you're adorable, but then i decided, fuck it, people can think what they want. i love you, in a non-sexual way. <3

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-31-2009

Yo, sorry to get off topic. But my bad for ackin like a bitch. Dude, I swear, I dunno what's wrong with me. I'm on these mental meds and I get moodswings like whoa. I'll just sit and think about something for hours and just get pissed off more and more.

I mean, it was a cheap shot that you took, but then I was all Fire Face !@#& Fire Face !@#&

Now I'm all Pimp :mrgreen: and I'm straight.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Star - 07-31-2009

that's not really off topic. if anything, i went off topic, but now we're all back on and everyone can be happy.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-31-2009

Star Wrote:that's not really off topic. if anything, i went off topic, but now we're all back on and everyone can be happy.
I'm retarded. I dunno what the fuck's wrong with me.

One day I'ma be one of them guys in NYC just yelling and laughing for no reason.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Star - 07-31-2009

there was a guy in new orleans that would stand on a chair with a megaphone and scream something about us being sinners, it was scary. especially since we smiled at him the first time we saw him setting up his station, like i always do, to try to make someone's day a little better, and then bam, he's in your face screaming

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Ms Felony - 07-31-2009

There was 2 people like that in town a little while ago doing it together, It pissed me off cause they were just basically shouting there beliefs in your face, It's just fucking rude.
They also had a megaphone which got trashed after i pushed their stand over, The police came and I got arrested for damaging property, Then after I had my say they cautioned the two guys for making a nuisance.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - sTr - 07-31-2009

he was like, !'m gonna take your smile and turn it into HATE!!!!

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Star - 07-31-2009

yeah, people don't really do that kind of thing here. nola is a different world - there is almost always at least one sidewalk preacher yelling at the streetcar stops on canal street, and then the beggars are crazy. we have people here that beg for money, but from what i've experienced each time i've been there, you can't go down a single block without a couple of people asking for change.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - FxXxckOff - 07-31-2009


Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Autumn - 07-31-2009

I love you, too. In what also is a non sexual way, of course. :) And, let these bitches think what they will.

XIII, I too am like that. If I hear something that gets to me, it will fester in my mind and annoy the crap outta me.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Insanecowposse - 07-31-2009

Yeah but sometimes you don't see that the person messing with you is doing it just because they know you will have an outrageous reaction. There is a guy at my work that overreacts to everything that iinsults him or uses his name. He is the object of ridicule daily and its just because people love chaos and find it funny. Tried to explein it to him but he keeps saying "Idon't get it I don't see what is so funny about making fun of someone"