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Re: BAJAJ - Star - 06-27-2009

Our dog Peppie is a rescue, and he is the biggest sweetheart ever. He is so intelligent, and so intuitive. If he dies, I'll be devastated. He is absolutely my baby. I remember when I went to get him, there was some lady there talking about how she would take him because she loves Border Collies, but he wasn't a purebred because his snout was too long. One of our other dogs, Roxie, is kind of a rescue because she was $30 from this shit hole pet store. She's also very smart, but she's incredibly timid. Fred scares her without even meaning to; he'll call her, and she'll start peeing and tuck her tail between her legs, even though he has never hurt her, nor have I. Our third dog is from a pet store. I paid $600 for him because my sister bought his sister, and felt bad for him, because some lady bought him and then decided she didn't want him and returned him. I love him, but he is almost certainly from a puppy mill. He has never been fully potty trained ; no matter what I do, he will mark his territory in the house. He knows better, because he hides when he does it, but he won't stop. He has never learned the same calm obedience as the other two, and is so yappy and spaced out that sometimes I can barely stand it. He doesn't like to be held or petted, even though ever since he was a puppy I have done everything to get him used to being handled.

One of our cats is from the Humane society, and she's really clingy. She wants to constantly be on your stomach, digging her claws into your clothes. I love her very much, but sometimes it's hard to not get irritated, because she is soooo persistent. Our three other cats are all from a shitty, dumpy pet store, and they are the sweetest animals ever. Everybody always tells me how amazed they are by how friendly my animals are not only to humans, but with one another. When my one cat was a baby, he used to try to nurse on Peppie's moles, because I think he was given to the pet shop before he'd been fully weaned.

My farm:

[Image: awww.jpg]

[Image: boogiepose.jpg]

Gracie (the Humane Society kitty)
[Image: gracie.jpg]

Sphinx (the one that used to try to nurse from our dog)
[Image: YayCats021.jpg]

[Image: peppie.jpg]

[Image: roxiejpg.jpg]

[Image: beau.jpg]

[Image: MipsyandChip003.jpg]

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-27-2009

My cat Gizmo tries to give me hickeys every night.I wake up to him sucking on my neck or nipple @ 3 in the morning.

One of these days I'm afraid it'll be midge and I'll accidentally slap her.....

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-27-2009

my cat "Sting" sleeps at my feet all night long, and when ! get up get doesn't bug me until ! let him out to go get loose...

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-27-2009

bajaja @ the cat sucking your nipple when your asleep

Re: BAJAJ - Paullehh - 06-27-2009

Grimlin Wrote:My cat Gizmo tries to give me hickeys every night.I wake up to him sucking on my neck or nipple @ 3 in the morning.

One of these days I'm afraid it'll be midge and I'll accidentally slap her.....
Lucky bastard.

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-27-2009

Word @ having a farm here, too.
[Image: l_07e3b3d474bd550708c12b8fac378755.jpg]
Tanner, my rescue-ish dog. Found a flyer at our local grocery store for purebred Beagle pups, called the guy and they had none left. They said they had two nine month old puppies, and that we could come look at them and take one for free. So we did, Tanner jumped around, and I fell in love. She's Rottie, Mastiff, Dalmatian, and Blue Tick Coonhound. She's incredibly smart and loyal, but skittish around new people.
[Image: l_cd896be845134700ba58408f181f302a.jpg]
Buddy, a dog we got from a friend. He's kind of dumb, and chews up clothes regardless of where they are (including IN a dresser). But, he's extremely lovable and friendly to everyone. He's half Pit and half Shepherd.
[Image: l_d6221ba0bb244d999796c05f14c8207e.jpg]
Natasha, a mix of Tanner and Buddy! My little baby.
[Image: l_d1c4216c9e287f3e24288c6aca80cb49.jpg]
Nermal, my pitty kitty. Got her from a friend, as well. She's a "boxer" and has six toes on one paw, and seven on the other.
[Image: l_9873f3f842c34468a95cf21642db75b3.jpg]
Last but not least, Otis and Bonez, my guinea pigs. Got these from my sister; who got them from a guy who was going to feed them to his snake.

And, we have my sister's cat here temporarily. So, yes we have a zoo. :) Can't get me started on animals <3<3

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-27-2009

! could never own rodents... shit would be too weird for me...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-28-2009

They don't really do anything except squeak when I happen to rustle a plastic bag. They stay in their cage and hop around sometimes. They're so cute!!

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-28-2009

! know they are probably clean and all, but they would gross me out...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-28-2009

They just chill. The cat and dog were crazy when I first got them, but they're pretty used to it now.

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-28-2009

should have let the dog have at em...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-28-2009

No, the dogs do not drink, if that's what you're implying. lmao

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-28-2009

not drink, eat the rodents...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-28-2009

Are you crazy?!?!!?!? >:o

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-28-2009

bet the dog would like it.. don't you wanna keep/make your pets happy...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-28-2009

No, the dog would not like that!!

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-28-2009

his/her taste buds would...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-28-2009

HIS would not! lol He's not a rodentvore. :\

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-28-2009

what are their names again?

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-28-2009

The guinea pigs? Otis and Bonez, after AMB lmao

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-28-2009

yeah, feed em to the dogs...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-28-2009

No, won't happen.

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-28-2009

feel em to Tim?

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-28-2009

This guy eats anything....

[Image: zimmern.jpg]

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-28-2009

he would eat human probably.. ! think ! prolly would too, fuck em...

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-28-2009

The dude is my idol.....seriously.

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-28-2009

i love that fuckin show, i wish i had the cash to go to the places he goes, i would eat all that shit too

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-28-2009

Ew, nasty. You guys really are some sick fucks.

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-28-2009

you love it

Re: BAJAJ - dirtymonkey22 - 06-28-2009

autumn i would eat you wink wink

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-28-2009


Re: BAJAJ - dirtymonkey22 - 06-28-2009

and i mean it just dont tell my wife

Re: BAJAJ - Star - 06-28-2009


Re: BAJAJ - dirtymonkey22 - 06-28-2009

that goes for u to star ill put a target on my mouth

Re: BAJAJ - Star - 06-28-2009

thx but no thx, stick to autumn