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Re: !'m in charge of - Ms Felony - 10-08-2009


Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-08-2009

It's joe louis' fist, it's supposed to symbolize breaking through racial barriers.. fuckin bastids...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-08-2009

It's joe louis' fist, it's supposed to symbolize breaking through racial barriers.. fuckin bastids...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: !'m in charge of - juggalogigolo - 10-08-2009


Re: !'m in charge of - Autumn - 10-08-2009

sTr Wrote:It's joe louis' fist, it's supposed to symbolize breaking through anal barriers.. assfuckin bastids...

Re: !'m in charge of - Slacker - 10-08-2009

some one should go take a photo with it and using forced perspective make it look like they had a giant black arm

thatd be cool

Re: !'m in charge of - Ms Felony - 10-08-2009

word, that would be awesome

Re: !'m in charge of - dirtymonkey22 - 10-09-2009

Grimlin Wrote:
sTr Wrote:that's why they have this statue

[Image: detroit_fist-600x453.jpg]

to remind you that you are being fisted at every opportunity...

LOL.....Damn...didn't even know that had that here.That's sad......
really you didnt know about the fist dam how long have you lived in MI theres some cool shit downtown if you can get over all the black people i mean have you ever been to a tiger or red wing game or the state theatre (the fillmore) or seen the spirit of the D when they put the team jerseys on

Re: !'m in charge of - Grimlin - 10-09-2009

I tend to stay away from downtown.

I've been down there about 4-5 times....I just didn't know it was there.

Re: !'m in charge of - Insanecowposse - 10-09-2009

It sucks that you had to do that. He probably thought you were really nice it it would be all about drinking and partying and wasn't thinking about the responsibilities or the burden it cast upon you. You did everything you could for as long as you could and maybe he will get up off his ass get a job and do somthing with his life now. If he did do that do you think you would let him live with you again?

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-09-2009

All my beer was missing from my outside fridge the morning after, kinda gay, could just be a coincidence...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: !'m in charge of - Star - 10-09-2009

when they came here i hid all our our electronics/expensive stuff in the basement

Re: !'m in charge of - Insanecowposse - 10-09-2009

Well at least you know its not just you Stephan. You have always been a cool stand up guy who would do anything for anybody and I liked and respected you for that. I am sure for you to be pushed far enough to make that decision that anyone else woulda done the same thing much much faster. Don't beat yourself up over it you did the right thing.

Re: !'m in charge of - Grimlin - 10-09-2009

Star Wrote:when they came here i hid all our our electronics/expensive stuff in the basement

LOL....that's messed up.....did they seem that shady? I don't think penguin would have went that far as stealing high dollar stuff.

Alcohol,drinks and beer i could see him trying to sneak out with though....even a little food or snacks.

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-09-2009

pat was pretty straight, but his step-brother was a bit shady, no scratch that, he was shady as fuxorz...

Re: !'m in charge of - Star - 10-09-2009

i just did it to be safe. i don't think pat would've taken our shit, but i had no idea who he had with him, and they were on the run, trying to make it to AZ with very little money in a POS car. so, i didn't think they'd take anything, but i'd much, much rather hide our expensive shit for no reason than wake up the morning after they were gone and find out it got stolen to pawn.

Re: !'m in charge of - Paullehh - 10-09-2009

That aint bad of you Star.
Sometimes i pays to be little paranoid, trust is earned not just expected!
I hope fred was not being serious dissing the guy like that after he went out his way to come visit you guys.

That's some lame shit.

Re: !'m in charge of - Star - 10-09-2009

he didn't go out of his way to come visit, he had nowhere else to go, and fred was very nice until they fucked with the one thing we specifically told them was off limits. i let them have free reign of our house and our food and everything, and they fucked with the one thing i asked them not to, which is bullshit, regardless of the material value.

Re: !'m in charge of - juggalogigolo - 10-09-2009

yeah, fuck that nigger, i was/am dead serious, the 2 liter was pointed out to them and told it was off limits, they could drink anything else in the fridge, i even went out and bought alcohol and shiz, to hang out and get drunk, we had plenty of other pop and shit to drink. but the fact that even after the 2 liter was pointed out, and told specifically that it was off limits, and he STILL drank it, fuck that nigger, hard.

ill shove my fist down his throat if i ever see him again

he didnt stop because he wanted to hang out, he stopped because he had no where else to go, had no money until he got paid 2 days later, and had no gas to go any farther down the line. hes a shady motherfucker and i hope he gets his ass beat hard

Re: !'m in charge of - Paullehh - 10-09-2009

fred Wrote:yeah, fuck that nigger, i was/am dead serious, the 2 liter was pointed out to them and told it was off limits, they could drink anything else in the fridge, i even went out and bought alcohol and shiz, to hang out and get drunk, we had plenty of other pop and shit to drink. but the fact that even after the 2 liter was pointed out, and told specifically that it was off limits, and he STILL drank it, fuck that nigger, hard.

ill shove my fist down his throat if i ever see him again

he didnt stop because he wanted to hang out, he stopped because he had no where else to go, had no money until he got paid 2 days later, and had no gas to go any farther down the line. hes a shady motherfucker and i hope he gets his ass beat hard
Glad you clarified fred and in this case i am sorry for my assumption.
That is fucked up and i would have the same attitude if it happened to me.
You don't shit on good people who help you out like that.

In his defense though, if there was alcohol involved then the need for more when it is finished and you aint passed out is a big need, and taboos become less meaningful and not as serious and the consequences seem irrelevant or not so serious.
If this was the case, he should have made some attempt to smooth it out or say sorry.

Dude aint here to speak up for himself so it's a bit too easy to jump to the conclusion that he's a waste of space.

Re: !'m in charge of - Star - 10-09-2009

meh, he's an ok guy i guess. they weren't drunk, i don't believe; we offered them alcohol, and they drank a little, but not much, and the thing they drank was just basically fruit punch, nothing alcoholic.

Re: !'m in charge of - juggalogigolo - 10-09-2009

they didnt get shitfaced, and they denied the whole thing, and wont admit they drank it.... even tho it was only us, and them in the house

Re: !'m in charge of - Paullehh - 10-09-2009

fred Wrote:they didnt get shitfaced, and they denied the whole thing, and wont admit they drank it.... even tho it was only us, and them in the house
Damn, way to fuck up a friendship fast.

Re: !'m in charge of - juggalogigolo - 10-09-2009


Re: !'m in charge of - Paullehh - 10-09-2009

Fuck you fred and your theifing paws on my B6 Bucks!!!
I will pay for pat to fly to your house and steal your children!!!!

Re: !'m in charge of - juggalogigolo - 10-10-2009

you stole from me first you douchebag cunt irish wanna be!

Re: !'m in charge of - Star - 10-10-2009

have to have children in order for them to be stolen.

i'd gladly give up a kid to get you to leave my pets alone =\

Re: !'m in charge of - Grimlin - 10-10-2009

agagagaga @ fred messing with the pets.

I blew a fucking tire out on my i haven't been able to check and see if we have that Ohana flavor yet.

Re: !'m in charge of - Slacker - 10-10-2009

-is down with PP

but word @ doing what you gotta do

Re: !'m in charge of - juggalogigolo - 10-10-2009

pretty sure its out of production, but ive never seen half the flavors that they say are still being made, like chocolate cake and all that shiz

Re: !'m in charge of - Enigma - 10-11-2009

Autumn Wrote:Him moving to AZ had nothing to do with drive. He was running from the law.. BIG difference. He's a nice guy, but being a cool person to hang out with and lookin' good won't get him anywhere.. unless he finds a sugar mama.
my ex did the same thing. and now he's living in austin, tx and i have no idea where. he lost both jobs he's had since he got out there and the one apartment. he has no drive or self discipline or concern for anything than what he thinks is best. if he'd just done the 90 days in jail here that would have taken care of everything, instead of running to tx, who knows if he'd have a part in Cassie's life. but since he wasn't able to do that, or pay the $500 fine he was given, he doesn't get to see her at all. but i'm not complaining. this is better for her.

some people will find others that are nice to them and they'll milk them for as long as they can. hopefully penguin gets off his ass and finds a job and a place of his own. life's much easier that way.

Re: !'m in charge of - Autumn - 10-12-2009

Fred and Star are super fucking awesome. They let us stay at their place, when they only knew ME from here. I love them both dearly and would do anything for them. Seriously. They're the shit! <3

PP took total advantage of their hospitality. Fred showed us the Ohana the first year we went to GOTJ, and he made perfectly clear how important that shit was to him. Maybe he's just been used to having things handed to him, and having whatever he wanted that he just felt no consequences. Who knows?

I have no problem with him. He's always been nice to me, and he's pretty hot.. looks aren't everything though.

Re: !'m in charge of - juggalogigolo - 10-12-2009


Re: !'m in charge of - evulninja - 10-13-2009

fred Wrote:lazy motherfuckers are lazy

that fucking nigger and his cousin/brother/whatever drank my fucking bottle of ohana very berry ive been saving for a special occasion, it was 6 years old and has been out of production forever..... fuck that nigger

throw his shit on the front lawn and change the locks

eh that shit might not be out of production. they sell almost every kind around here except diet and i swear ive seen it recently. unless im just mistaken. i dont really dig the ohana flavors so i dont really look for them.. whats crazy is theres a few flavors i havent ever seen around here that are common in other places.. like rock n rye.. ive only had it once when i was in atlanta.. should have bought a few cases.. not only that but ill be damned if ive ever seen diet faygo anywhere around here. ill look and see if i can find it next time i go to the store.

Re: !'m in charge of - Insanecowposse - 10-13-2009

We should start a get Fred his Faygo Foundation at B6