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Psychiatric help for WOW players. - Printable Version

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Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - sTr - 08-02-2009

Seems strange that it's only goinna be on the ps3....

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Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - Paullehh - 08-02-2009

Word it looks so much better than the one right now, i guess they make more money from console subs.

That and i lied to make freds heart skip a beat :)

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - Star - 08-02-2009

i doubt his heart skipped a beat, the next expansion is a couple of years away. i could give a fuck less about any new blizzard/activision games here, and i'm getting tired of wow.

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 08-02-2009

I've treated a number of people who've been severely addicted to WOW and similar games with a fair degree of success. As I understand it, playing such games generally consists of using the game to pretend to walk around and to pretend to do things. The single best treatment is to tell the patient to actually walk around and actually do things. Once they remember that they can do this they generally lose interest and WOW becomes akin to a simulation of washing one's hands or eating a bowl of cereal, that is, less interesting than even the most mundane actions based in reality.

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - juggalogigolo - 08-02-2009

-tries to go kill a dragon in real life

im not dumb enough to fall for the whole ps3 bullshiz

there wont ever be a console version of wow. period.

the next expansion is at least a year away, the second major content patch is due to hit in a few weeks, and weve still got 1 more major content patch comming before the next xpac, so its not gonna happen anytime in the new few months, shit takes a while to develop and work all the kinks out of before it goes live.

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - sTr - 08-02-2009

I need to start playing wow so ! Can beat you at it fred. !'ll drop mad spells on dat ass with a lvl 69 potion oil...

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Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - juggalogigolo - 08-03-2009


aint gonna happen

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - canttouchthis80 - 08-03-2009

i thought i check wow out played it two days got 3 80s
fidgat lock
hiyougra rogue
lubsfernewbs priest
zul head server game is fun but i feel like a epic shame for just raping it so much

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - Star - 08-03-2009

bajaj @ two days and getting three 80s, ebay much?

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - sTr - 08-03-2009

see, that's why wow is gay... what's the point of playing if you're gonna buy your character, it takes the fun out of it...

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - Star - 08-03-2009

word. that's my nerd-rage moment of the day, i'm already ashamed of myself for showing my true geek colors :(

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - juggalogigolo - 08-03-2009

congrats on having 3 80s yuou have no fucking idea how to play

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - Slacker - 08-03-2009

-level 80 sexmachine

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - juggalogigolo - 08-03-2009

oh la la

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - sTr - 08-04-2009

just out of curiosity, what are you(fred) and star's rank?

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - juggalogigolo - 08-04-2009

what do you mean rank?

im a lvl 80 warrior

shes got a lvl 80 druid, and a 80 hunter

Re: Psychiatric help for WOW players. - sTr - 08-05-2009

That's what ! Meant, and nerd.

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