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Re: BAJAJ - Stoopid Dog - 06-25-2009

Fuck dirty monkey...

Rotts are one of the smartest dogs you can have.

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-25-2009

cats on the other hand are too badass to turn on their owners...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-25-2009

My mother has four of them. Three stay outdoors in a pen they built off of their garage, and the other stays in the house. I love them.

And, cats don't have to turn. Some of them are just naturally bitchy, like my cousins cat.

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-25-2009

bitchy cats FTW, they only get theirs when they feel like it...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-25-2009

Her cat will come up to you and claw you in the face, no joke. She's so fricken cute, but she's crazy mean.

Re: BAJAJ - Alyzzia - 06-25-2009

I have a couple of red ear sliders at my house.

[Image: Turtles.jpg]

And then there is my dog who also thinks she is a lap dog and she broke my window out trying to eat the mail lady.

[Image: lex.jpg]

And my cat who is a real asshole, but she is cute and really fat because after we got her fixed they messed something up and she had a little pocket where they did her surgery :(

[Image: winks.jpg]

We have a zoo here!

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-25-2009

whose nasty fucking toenails are those?

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-26-2009

crys Wrote:ANY dog can turn, not just pits, rotts, and dobermens. I have been around dogs my whole life, I don't know anyone who does not have a dog, most people with pits and other big, 'mean', breeds, the only dog I have ever been bit by is a dalmatian.

Their locking jaws is what makes them more dangerous than most dogs out there.I've personally seen somebody shoot a pitbull and killed it while it was still latched onto somebody's arm.No other dog can do that.

My dad's friend in Wisconsin was a single guy who referred to his dog as his "son" day,decided to give his dog a bath and his dog turned on him and later found his body in the bathroom floor.His neck was ripped open.The dog was bloodly.

That's what makes these dogs dangerous...Look up the history...these dogs were breed to defend and fight.

I have nothing against these dogs,but the warning is there.I just wish people would realize it.Me and cheri decided we would never get a pit bull since we have a kid.Kids just don't know better,they'll tug and pull on a dog.I know all dogs will snap...but i rather have one that'll do the least amount of damage if it did snap.

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-26-2009

Any dog could kill. I personally don't believe a dog will just snap at any given time. Not trying to piss anyone off, but I'm entitled to my opinion.

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-26-2009

It's the aggressiveness and the reputation of the dogs that exceed them.

My dog bit my kid 3 days ago....just because it didn't want to go into the room with him when he was standing over the dog yelling "come in my room dobbs".

All it takes is uncomfortableness and a dog will turn.It was like 89 in the was hot and humid.That's all it took.

I'm not going to say what i did to punish it....If the dog does it again though,it's gone.

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-26-2009

the term is fight or flight...

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-26-2009

STRetard Wrote:the term is fight or flight... aggressive breed will fight.

Slacker's dog would flight...LOL...... =* @ slacker.....

Re: BAJAJ - dirtymonkey22 - 06-26-2009

The Marshmallow Man Wrote:Fuck dirty monkey...

Rotts are one of the smartest dogs you can have.

im sure there are alot of smart rotts out there but the ones ive been arournd have been pretty dumb

how bout this there big goofy maybe not dumb but goofy my freind even named his rott goofy she was cool as hell and fucking strong they needed a thick ass chain for her collar cuz she allways broke them or there leash

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-26-2009

Yes, grim, I think it may be in your best interest not to mention what you did. But, I do understand what you're saying. I guess it goes for all mammals, I'm sure. Up the stress factor, and something will snap.

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-26-2009

Maybe not specifically in your "best interest", but I would prefer not to hear it.

Re: BAJAJ - Toxic Love - 06-26-2009

Oh dear, this thread.

1. Wow, yeah let your dog eat underwear. Great when you have a $3,000 foreign body surgery because you can't pick your undies up off the floor and don't watch the damn dog.

2. Crys, Athena eats everything simply because she's a BOXER. No lie, almost every Boxer that comes into work chews on the bars of the damn cages.

3. Rotties........ are nasty pieces of shit. For every 25 shitty Rotties I meet 1 good one. Fuck that breed. Fucking insecure, neurotic wackjobs they are.

4. The AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER is the only "pit" there is. Staffies, mastiffs, etc... are NOT pitties. And for the record, NO bully breed has locking jaws. They just have over-developed/stronger muscle tone that is pretty much 50x stronger than their defender's muscle tone in regards to prying the jaw open.

5. I am more afraid of nasty little froo-froo dogs like Malteses, Chihuahuas, Yorkies, Poms, and Bichons than I am of any bully breed, Rottie, Akita, etc. Those little dogs are the nastiest and meanest fucking animals. Either you pamper them the way their owners do, or they want your fucking blood. And most of them are also neurotic fucking wastes of life. You look at them and they scream. Ugh. Fucking gross.

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-26-2009

OWNED! I am so glad you came here, Kelly. <3 Thank you for clearing the air on this.

Re: BAJAJ - dirtymonkey22 - 06-26-2009

Toxic Love Wrote:Oh dear, this thread

5. I am more afraid of nasty little froo-froo dogs like Malteses, Chihuahuas, Yorkies, Poms, and Bichons than I am of any bully breed, Rottie, Akita, etc. Those little dogs are the nastiest and meanest fucking animals. Either you pamper them the way their owners do, or they want your fucking blood. And most of them are also neurotic fucking wastes of life. You look at them and they scream. Ugh. Fucking gross.

yes yes yes these are the only dogs that i have had a problem with. and i do understand what u say about rotts i have just been around some cool ass rotts but the little dogs i fucking hate them and every one thinks there so cute fuck that and chihuahuas allways look nervous as fuck to me i dont even think of these little dogs as dogs there more like dog like rats

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dude the buttons arent working for me img,youtube

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-26-2009

lolz @ all this

Re: BAJAJ - Slacker - 06-26-2009

i has yorkies, thier pretty chilled

Re: BAJAJ - Toxic Love - 06-26-2009

Because they're your pets, lol.

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-26-2009

I think little dogs are wicked. My friend has a purebred Pommie, and he's a little bitch; even if you've been there for hours. I looooove big dogs, and I prefer mixed breeds over purebred. It eliminates alot of genetic defects.

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-26-2009

Toxic Love Wrote:4. The AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER is the only "pit" there is. Staffies, mastiffs, etc... are NOT pitties. And for the record, NO bully breed has locking jaws. They just have over-developed/stronger muscle tone that is pretty much 50x stronger than their defender's muscle tone in regards to prying the jaw open.

Well that's pretty weird....specially when you can shoot a dog dead and it'll still grip on.

I'm going to contact a friend of mine(veterinary of 20+ experience) and see if he can explain to me how the jaws of a pit bull works.

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-26-2009

Quote:"Lockjaw" is a myth, the animal not willing to release is the real reason.

Through selective breeding the muscles that close the mouth have been enlarged so a Pitt even without mouth muscle training can create an enormous ammount of force when it closes it´s mouth, now if you add to that training to fight, man you got a bone breaking chewing machine.

Pitts are not bad dogs, unfortunately it´s the people who makes them bad. A Pitt should not bite. I´ve worked with many Pitts and they are lovely, never been bit by one. Now just ask me how many times I´ve been bit by toy breeds and you´ll see who´s meaner.

Straight from his mouth.....

*bows down to toxic* You da man...errrr....i mean woman....

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-26-2009

i wanna know whose nasty toenails those are

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-26-2009

I knew it! Pitties are NOT bad dogs! It's the owner. Kelly would be the first person I would go to if I have a question about my dogs (aside from my vet), because she's in school for it. I love her, and she's my hero <3

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-26-2009

I'm still not convinced....

Guess you could say I'm hard headed...

Sure little dogs are usually mean...but you can just kick em' like a football and they usually go away.It isn't the same story with a bigger dog.

It's like that whale shamu...cute and fun to watch,but piss it off enough and it can kill a great white shark.That's my philosophy.

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-27-2009

-would NEVER kick a dog.. "I live down the street from you, and your daughter come to my house today and she kick my dog" LMFAO!! Classic.

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-27-2009

I remember shooting this one dog in the butt hole and it bled to death internally.

There's a story behind this one actually.I was 14 at the time,hanging out with my homeboy down the street and this little medium size dog bit his mom.It was a mean fucker...So me and him go over next door(the owner) and tell them what happened.They told us to fuck off saying "It was his mom's fault she was outside".So we just said alright,fine....we acted like we blew it Sunday they go to church,i was walking over and the dog started chasing after me.I got in his house and was like "Yo, you got that BB gun?"...Got outside quietly,seen the dog walking back to his yard with his butt sticking straight in the i took the shot and was able to dead point it straight in his ass without any entry wound.They got home and found the dog's asshole bleeding.I guess it died from internal bleeding.From that point on that dude next door kept his dogs tied up and in his yard.

I'm sure they knew.....They just thought we were some little chicken shits who wouldn't do anything.

I was a dysfunctional kid.....I hid it pretty well though.You fuck with me,I'll return the favor by surprise.

Now I'm just grown up and too lazy to do shit anymore.

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-27-2009

bajajajaj funny shit

Re: BAJAJ - XIII - 06-27-2009

Ok, so it's the owners that make dogs bad. Well, all people I see with Pitbulls are nasty pieces of shit. They tie their dogs up next to my house to go to the bodega, and their dog barks at me. Honestly, if one ever nips me while he's chained to MY house, he's getting his skull crushed.

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-27-2009


Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-27-2009

god damn you to hell fredrick... post mad more stuff then one word... badck when ! was a nigger ! posted bullshit, then ! started posting good shit, get with the god damn pg, that means porgram.. or just post word, what ev you feel like....

Re: BAJAJ - Star - 06-27-2009

A lot of people with pit bulls here are black wanna be gangstas, that leave them on the cliche real chain and walk around like they're badass while their pants fall off. Lately, though, there's been a HUGE increase in people rescuing pits from the Humane Society. I thought about doing that when my animals die, but I don't know if I will, just because the ones I've seen there seem sweet, but just seem way too full of energy for the kind of dog I want.

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-27-2009

Star Wrote:A lot of people with pit bulls here are black wanna be gangstas, that leave them on the cliche real chain and walk around like they're badass while their pants fall off. Lately, though, there's been a HUGE increase in people rescuing pits from the Humane Society. I thought about doing that when my animals die, but I don't know if I will, just because the ones I've seen there seem sweet, but just seem way too full of energy for the kind of dog I want.

Word at animal rescue...if my dog goes/dies,that's what i plan to do when i get another dog.I'm in the same boat though...kinda scared to adopt a dog,if anything i want the little (6-8 week) puppies that somebody threw on the side of the road.I just don't know the mentality of the older dogs or what they went through.

Plus i kinda like training puppies so they behave the way i taught's easier with a puppy than an older dog.

The dog we have now has hip desplexia(SP) which is hereditary from the parents.I was pissed when i found out...I paid $200 for that dog.The pet shop i got it from was busted for a puppy mill that was illegal.