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Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-12-2009

getting out of jail and breaking the law is totally FTW...

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-12-2009

Stupid jailbirds... Happy

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-12-2009

no, happy jailbirds... fuck to police, they can all suck my sweaty sack...

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-12-2009

Yes, I'm not a fan of the five-oh, exactly.

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-12-2009

five-0 = butt-hole

Re: Of all who post here... - psychopathic penguin - 06-12-2009


Re: Of all who post here... - Enigma - 06-12-2009

I have most of my cds. But I haven't listened to them in over a year. I'm somewhat ashamed of my hatchetman tattoo. When I go out and the new wave of juggalos "woot woot" at me I give them a dirty look and keep walking. Just cuz I have the tatt doesn't make us best friends. The new wave of juggalos don't know what bein a juggalo is all about. They're a waste of space.

Re: Of all who post here... - psychopathic penguin - 06-12-2009

bajaj @ me and my brother are listening to 'bugs on my nuts' right now

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-12-2009

It's funny, because every juggalo I've ever encountered in or around my area (which is VERY rare), have been nothing but cool to us. But, I have heard horror stories of wraith-alos.

Re: Of all who post here... - XIII - 06-12-2009

I've never had a problem with new juggalos, but I can say that I dislike the amount of familiarity Violent J has with us/them now. I miss the days where all he was to me was a clown with a mental disorder. Now I know his kid's name, what he eats for lunch, how frequently he shits... stuff I really don't care about. Fuck the internet for this.

Tempest ain't that bad. It's the solos and side projects that suck.

Re: Of all who post here... - Toxic Love - 06-12-2009

Most of the juggalos I encounter are newbs that don't know shit about how it used to be and make the whole thing look like a joke. Well... it kind of is... but it makes it look like a retarded mall cult now. That and their fucking annoying teenagers with obnoxious clothing and attitudes that seriously piss me off. I only see a couple quiet ones and usually, they are alone.

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-12-2009

I hate teenagers, and have for many years now. Fuck the way they dress and the faggy fuckin' haircuts.

PS Kelly, I jocked your idea for a lolcat sig <3

Re: Of all who post here... - FxXxckOff - 06-12-2009

I enjoy throwing my Riddlebox cd and rockin out at times

Re: Of all who post here... - OddBallFreak - 06-13-2009

I'm STILL waiting on the "new" Zug c.d

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-13-2009

are they even still around?

Re: Of all who post here... - juggalogigolo - 06-13-2009

who knows

Re: Of all who post here... - dirtymonkey22 - 06-13-2009

i heard the did a show not to long ago but i thouth zug would of bin bettet if they got heavyer i allways thouth sin sounded a little like OZZY

Re: Of all who post here... - azriley2k - 06-13-2009

STRetard Wrote:are they even still around?

No, Zug broke up a loooong time ago.

I was into ICP for a long while. I dug the music, I met a lot of friends at shows and local underground shows. When I went to a show I used to know every ninja in the crowd. Now-a-days all it there are, are kids. I agree with what a lot of you guys have said. I liked it for what it was at the time but I haven't listened to a CD in a while.

I didn't care for any new stuff either but it wasn't directed toward me anymore. Green Book is still one of my favorite albums. I have a tattoo of a Hatchetman on my leg to remind me of that time in my life. I still have a ton of ICP collectibles collecting dust in the closet that I am just not ready to give up yet.

For those saying that the "new" juggalos are all retarded and don't know the true meaning of the word juggalo, keep in mind people were saying that when we were "new" juggalos and I hate to break this to you but we were all pretty retarded... we just grew up... *looks at Stephan*... well most of us did

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-13-2009

never growing is up for winning@!!!!11!!!!!


Re: Of all who post here... - dirtymonkey22 - 06-13-2009

lets peter pan this bitch

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-14-2009

I believe Zug did break up a while ago, but got back together. They played at the fuckin Gathering last year.

I'm gonna rock the clowns and rep the hatchet til I feel its not viable anymore. I'm always willing to meet juggalos over regular people, because we have a common ground and I don't feel awkward talking with them. I know some of my shit. :) I have a shit load of shirts, CD, just about every action figure, and I'm restarting my poster collection. I'm framing those bitches and hanging them in my hallway. :)

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-14-2009

friends with zug's drummer if they are still around... their drummer was actually a badass musician in the d... if you ever heard of 2 phat, that's who it was...

Re: Of all who post here... - The Viper - 06-14-2009

Never really cared for their music. Not to say it's bad or anything, just not for me. I do enjoy their wrestling tapes (both the original stuff and their dub-overs of Japan). They're funny and have entertained me on more than one occasion. I also enjoyed their appearance on Stern vs. Sharon Osbourne.

Re: Of all who post here... - Toxic Love - 06-15-2009

azriley2k Wrote:
STRetard Wrote:are they even still around?
For those saying that the "new" juggalos are all retarded and don't know the true meaning of the word juggalo, keep in mind people were saying that when we were "new" juggalos and I hate to break this to you but we were all pretty retarded... we just grew up... *looks at Stephan*... well most of us did

Uhm, no. I didn't go around screaming "WOOP WOOP" in fucking shopping malls or Wawas.

Re: Of all who post here... - evulninja - 06-15-2009

every now and again i do. i cant really get into their new shit though. last thing i bought was violent j's wizard of the hood.

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-15-2009

Toxic Love Wrote:Uhm, no. I didn't go around screaming "WOOP WOOP" in fucking shopping malls or Wawas.

Is that what being a new juggalo is? Because, I never fit that standard, either. The only places I find it appropriate to "Whoop Whoop" is at a show. It even gets tiresome at the gathering.

Re: Of all who post here... - Star - 06-15-2009

i hate the idiots at the gathering that think they can be fucktards just because it's the gathering. some dumbass sprayed my chest with a watergun once, even though i was wearing black, so it was completely fucking pointless, but it still pissed me off. any other time of the year, you'd get your ass kicked for doing that to someone else's girlfriend.

oh, and last year, some drunk guy unzipped the tent while i was asleep. he realized there was someone in there, and wandered off, but it still pissed me off because there's no need to be that shitfaced

yeah, i'm a prude. that's ok.

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-15-2009

Star Wrote:i hate the idiots at the gathering that think they can be fucktards just because it's the gathering. some dumbass sprayed my chest with a watergun once, even though i was wearing black, so it was completely fucking pointless, but it still pissed me off. any other time of the year, you'd get your ass kicked for doing that to someone else's girlfriend.

oh, and last year, some drunk guy unzipped the tent while i was asleep. he realized there was someone in there, and wandered off, but it still pissed me off because there's no need to be that shitfaced

yeah, i'm a prude. that's ok.

those are usually the ones with the unusually large heads...

Re: Of all who post here... - XIII - 06-15-2009

I think weed ruined ICP.

Honestly... I'm not anti-weed... anyone who knows me could attest to that.

But ICP became "hardcore"/stoner rap.

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-16-2009

No, KMK is stoner rap. They mention it everywhere. J started smoking when he did Wizard and that was fucking amazing. It seemed to help him, IMO.

Re: Of all who post here... - XIII - 06-16-2009

ICP talk about smoking weed at least once per album. That shit started around Shangri-La. I miss when they used to like... depict drugs as part of the evil they were against. Now they talk about smoking, selling, all that shit. Fuck that. That's stoner rap. KMK aren't the ONLY people that can do it.

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-16-2009

When I hear "stoner rap", I think that every song references the plant; i.e. KMK. And I didn't say they were the only ones who could do that. I just don't think ICP are stoner rappers. No worries.

Re: Of all who post here... - XIII - 06-16-2009

I dunno... I could just feel the influence (no pun intended) in their songs.

I think that's where they declined. Wizard was good because it was a concept album. Any other album... not so much.

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-16-2009

I guess everyone has something different to say of it.

But, I can't stop watching your sig. You need to change it. lmao

Re: Of all who post here... - dirtymonkey22 - 06-16-2009

XIII Wrote:I think weed ruined ICP.

Honestly... I'm not anti-weed... anyone who knows me could attest to that.

But ICP became "hardcore"/stoner rap.

i have to agree i do think the weed thing started around wizard but V J used to be proud of not smoking and now wtf then esham came on psy at fist it was great then blew heavley i mean shangrila is prob there best album (front to back) it was magic and now that magic is gone and for kmk i never liked them there ok as ft gust on a song or someone on there song but then again im not into drugs