Board 6
it's been fun.. - Printable Version

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Re: it's been fun.. - BiggGameJames - 07-18-2012

they are hackers and we work together

Re: it's been fun.. - TheB6Bitch - 07-18-2012

these guys what before they were hackers? that sentence makes no since at all. and you actually know these people and you have to find people to fuck with them for you on the internet?

Re: it's been fun.. - BoneZugz - 07-18-2012

Going with the Jabar Gaffney excuse eh?

Re: it's been fun.. - BiggGameJames - 07-18-2012

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Re: it's been fun.. - Autumn - 07-18-2012

BoneZugz Wrote:Dont make me start PMing threats to all of you!

srs business.

If its sexy threats, I won't tell anyone. ;)

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Re: it's been fun.. - BoneZugz - 07-18-2012

Autumn Wrote:
BoneZugz Wrote:Dont make me start PMing threats to all of you!

srs business.

If its sexy threats, I won't tell anyone. ;)

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every single one of them baybeh. Gum

Re: it's been fun.. - BiggGameJames - 07-18-2012

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Re: it's been fun.. - sTr - 07-18-2012

bajaj, these fucktards blamed xav for the spam... bajajajajaj

Re: it's been fun.. - Autumn - 07-18-2012

fred Wrote:then dont.
I think you know me better than any of the other people who regularly post here.

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Re: it's been fun.. - BiggGameJames - 07-18-2012

there,s the proof that he didn't post it

Re: it's been fun.. - TheB6Bitch - 07-18-2012

they cant even figure out who did it ....not to smart

Re: it's been fun.. - Stupid Twat - 07-18-2012

TheB6Bitch Wrote:bajaja he did that to me too when he said i was a fat ass
But, you are a fat ass. Fucking you would be pointless. I wouldn't know if I was inside a roll or your pussy. Fuck you're disgusting. On top of that, how are you going to talk shit about anyone? You're fat, disgusting and you're life revolves around a shitty ass message board. You're a loser of epic proportions. Go eat another cheeseburger and quit talking shit you slob.

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Re: it's been fun.. - BiggGameJames - 07-18-2012

Stupid Twat Wrote:
TheB6Bitch Wrote:bajaja he did that to me too when he said i was a fat ass
But, you are a fat ass. Fucking you would be pointless. I wouldn't know if I was inside a roll or your pussy. Fuck you're disgusting. On top of that, how are you going to talk shit about anyone? You're fat, disgusting and you're life revolves around a shitty ass message board. You're a loser of epic proportions. Go eat another cheeseburger and quit talking shit you slob.

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oh that was good

Re: it's been fun.. - TheB6Bitch - 07-18-2012

Were you intending to hurt my feelings? I know im over weight i dont need another fat ass to point that out to me. Fucking me cant be to pointless cause i getting it on a regular basis. And i havent talked shit to anyone ive stated the obviouse. My life does not revolve around a message board. I have a life and a pretty good one thank you for trying to point that out to me tho.
I am confused by the fact tho that you guys are defending these guys who you say you hate all of sudden

And thanks i am pretty hungry (being that im a fat ass and all) CHEESEBURGER IT IS!!!

Re: it's been fun.. - Stupid Twat - 07-18-2012

TheB6Bitch Wrote:Were you intending to hurt my feelings? I know im over weight i dont need another fat ass to point that out to me. Fucking me cant be to pointless cause i getting it on a regular basis. And i havent talked shit to anyone ive stated the obviouse. My life does not revolve around a message board. I have a life and a pretty good one thank you for trying to point that out to me tho.
I am confused by the fact tho that you guys are defending these guys who you say you hate all of sudden

And thanks i am pretty hungry (being that im a fat ass and all) CHEESEBURGER IT IS!!!

I wasn't trying to hurt you're feelings. I was just pointing out the obvious. As far as you getting it daily,.sure, there's a lot out desperate people out there. If a guy is desperate he'll fuck anything. So don't feel special. It's funny that you call DeadBodyMan and Killa Mo stupid, especially since you can't spell worth a shit. They maybe stupid but you're a moron. Also, no, you're not over weight. That would be someone that is thick. You are fat.

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Re: it's been fun.. - TheB6Bitch - 07-18-2012

im very smart thank you , the reason my sentences are not perfect is because i was only talking to you and i dont care enough to go back and correct it. At least you can figure out my sentences at all unlike your friend DBM who couldnt make a correct sentence if his life depended on it.

"if a guy is desperate hell fuck anything" im sure thats what the guys are thinking about you when your bent over the table for them too.

Re: it's been fun.. - Red Geist - 07-18-2012

I've fucked James Garcia.

Re: it's been fun.. - Autumn - 07-18-2012

That's so hot.

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Re: it's been fun.. - BiggGameJames - 07-18-2012

So now that it seems everything's cleared and MO is innoicent. Can he return to the board?

Re: it's been fun.. - TheB6Bitch - 07-18-2012

Hello Autumn my pretty :-*

Re: it's been fun.. - thankyou - 07-18-2012

I hereby declare Joseph green posting under the rap alias of killa mo 187 may return and post at board 6 for the rest of his life and the life of this website or subsequent spin off websites .
Fred , Str , autumn , b6bitch also all agree and will never hack his posts again or ban him




Re: it's been fun.. - Stupid Twat - 07-18-2012

TheB6Bitch Wrote:im very smart thank you , the reason my sentences are not perfect is because i was only talking to you and i dont care enough to go back and correct it. At least you can figure out my sentences at all unlike your friend DBM who couldnt make a correct sentence if his life depended on it.

"if a guy is desperate hell fuck anything" im sure thats what the guys are thinking about you when your bent over the table for them too.

Yeah. Call an autistic person stupid. Then continue to pick on him. Lol I'm sure a lot of winners go out like that.

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Re: it's been fun.. - Star - 07-18-2012

lol, wtf? I come back on here for five minutes and there's some person randomly attempting (but failing miserably) to school Melissa for what, exactly? I read through all of this and it's so absurd. Especially that guy with his death threats and all of the posts about how the other board is full of serious hackers that we should not fuck with. How did this even happen? Please put all of these random new people having an imaginary fight into a mouse cage so they can fight to the death. I <3 you, Melissa. Care to join me for a buffet crawl? It's like a bar crawl, but instead of alcohol we can consume outrageous amounts of delicious delicacies. We can have alcohol, too.

Re: it's been fun.. - BiggGameJames - 07-18-2012

it's true he never posted anything like his account was hacked and the other guy is anther friend mine who is just sticking up for me.

Re: it's been fun.. - Star - 07-18-2012

I'm honestly not trying to be mean, but I don't care one way or another other than to think that the hilarious attack on Melissa is absjrd because it's so vehement and impassioned, but apparently this stupid twat person couldn't think of anything better other than "fat". I remember getting that pissed when I was younger and thinking I schooled people but I didn't. I wasn't here when whatever this crazy shit about a penis and a holocaust and hacking happened, which makes trying to piece together the story pretty awesome. My favorite part was when str randomly spammed the board. <3 str.

Re: it's been fun.. - BiggGameJames - 07-18-2012

here,s what Happend Str spammed out that other board they got all pissed off then they came here blamed me and my friend. then they hacked his account posting those death threats.

Re: it's been fun.. - Star - 07-18-2012

I see. Well, I'm sorry that you and your friend were put through all of that. This message board is meant to be a second home, a warm cocoon in which we can all shed our troubles and turn into beautiful butterflies that soar in the sky because they've left their burdens behind. Cyber-bullying is a real crime with really awful consequences. Just remember, there are always resources to help you through the rough times.

Re: it's been fun.. - BiggGameJames - 07-18-2012

ya i'm not very well liked here i'm petty new here this my 2nd week here i have one friend here.

Re: it's been fun.. - BiggGameJames - 07-18-2012

fluff is really cool guy he has my back i wanted to leave but he told me to stick around and not let them get to me.

Re: it's been fun.. - Star - 07-18-2012

Right. Everybody here gets into internet fights at one point, quits coming around, and then misses it so comes back. You'll be good.

it's been fun.. - FxXxckOff - 07-18-2012

DeadBodyMan Wrote:[Image: 8x25hk.jpg]

Bajajajajaj wtf man? I have better things to do than spam message boards, especially that one

Re: it's been fun.. - Star - 07-18-2012


it's been fun.. - FxXxckOff - 07-18-2012


Re: it's been fun.. - Star - 07-18-2012

There, that feels better, right? Go get me a switch so that we can get this over with. It hurts me as much as it hurts you. /thwack! Now come over here and let mami wipe the tears off of your face, and you can nestle against me.


Re: it's been fun.. - Paullehh - 07-18-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:
KillaMo187 Wrote:
Red Geist Wrote:So, I now see what's going on. Don't let Killa Mo drag you into his colossal stupid fucking bullshit. See, that's his M.O.. He's acted like a total buttfuck for the past ten years, talks shit, gets destroyed online, then claims he's done with it.

Then what he does is sneak off trying to rally support for his cause by making shit up and trying to stir shit between people.

He's pissed off because several years ago, he told this guy (his former friend EKX) to "suck his dick" on the old board and then posted that pic of his miniature cock. He has since gone out of his way to do his standard "Killa Mo is Mad" chain of events.

1) talk shit

2) get owned

3) cry

4) apologize

5) claim he's done with "net beef"

6) start dissing behind closed dors and trying to rally people.

7) Deny it

same shit, different year with this guy. No one gets fucked with by any of us EXCEPT him, because he a goddamned buttnut of biblical proportions.
FUCK YOU! I'll kill every fucking member of your forum.
Hunt you down and fuck you up one by one bitches!!!

KillaMo187 Wrote:
Red Geist Wrote:Fair enough.
I will murder you!

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