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B6 Crushes <3 - Printable Version

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Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

That's right, baby. We should meet up one day. Go on a freakin' picnic or something, bajaj!!

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

@ CraZyT and Autumn, thanks guys! :o*

B6 Crushes <3 - FxXxckOff - 07-07-2012

You know it, autumn. I will make it super fucking romantic too. bajaj

<---not crazyt, fxxxckoff, Xavier, k money take your pick. Haha

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:You know it, autumn. I will make it super fucking romantic too. bajaj

<---not crazyt, fxxxckoff, Xavier, k money take your pick. Haha

i couldn't read the name. i'm sorry. it makes more sense now. lol!! :) <3

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:You know it, autumn. I will make it super fucking romantic too. bajaj

Fuck, it's on then. Time and place, and I'm there with little to no clothing on.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 07-07-2012

You guys are too sweet. For the record, I've had crushes on all of you <3

B6 Crushes <3 - FxXxckOff - 07-07-2012

Fucking mare. Wow. How are you?

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

AHHHHHH!!! She's here! <3 Marebear.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 07-07-2012

I'm really good! I no longer have a broken face, like I do in my avatar, ahaha.
I'm married, just had a sweet baby girl in March. Living the dream. I'm also a southern juggalette now apparently, because I live in Tennessee.
How are you, X?! Autumn, <33333 x 1000

B6 Crushes <3 - FxXxckOff - 07-07-2012

I'm doin good! Livin on my own, got a really good job, my son just graduated pre-k a few weeks ago and he's goin to kindergarten soon. Life is good most of the time.

B6 Crushes <3 - FxXxckOff - 07-07-2012


Leslie, I figured it'd make more sense if you knew who I was. Haha. <3

And autumn, little to no clothes on sounds like a deal my dear. <3

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

It's so funny to me, that we lived fairly close to each other and never had the chance of meeting, Mare. That one time at the show in Philly.. met Kelly, you were kidnapped or something then. :(

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

I feel left out. i want autumn to come surprise me with no clothes on.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Grimlin - 07-07-2012

I think Midgetfucker & I were going out when I first came to B6......Now married with a 7 year old kid.

Time fucking flies by....

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 07-07-2012

Glad to hear those are wonderful, my dear. That sounds like a good life indeed!
Autumn, I was in fact kidnapped, by friggin rapist ass ABK.
And grim, you guys totally were, you were the board's number one couple and still are :)

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

hahaha. The chances of that happening are extremely low.
Mare, I remember that story.. ugh.
And, word @ grim and midge <3

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Star - 07-08-2012

Yup. Very flattering.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-08-2012

Ha! She felt me up and we totally touched tongues. Drunk makeouts FTW!

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Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Star - 07-08-2012

I believe there was more, in the grass before Dark Lotus. And in Lake Hep :o

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-09-2012

Was drunk, only remember sitting on your lap and kissing you and sticking my tongue in your ear. Hahaha...

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Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Star - 07-09-2012

Ahahahaha, I forgot about the tongue in my ear, but remember you essentially straddling my lap, and putting hands up your shirt in the water and you being like, "Oh!" and jumping backwards, and then freaking out because you touched the bottom of the lake.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - TheB6Bitch - 07-09-2012

good times

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-09-2012

It's so embarrassing, ha! But, it's not like I'll ever become a politician or famous or anything. And, if by some chance I were to ever become famous, I wouldn't hide my "torrid" past, hahaha.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Star - 07-09-2012

Word. I'm going ti be an attorney but I don't feel like anything I've done is so bad that it'll horribly affect my future. I'll delete the pics in a bit. I don't remember what point I was trying to prove.

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Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-09-2012

No need. They'll still be around regardless. I could give a fuck what people think anyhow. <3

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B6 Crushes <3 - FxXxckOff - 07-09-2012

Me either. <3

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-09-2012

As long as you guys still believe that I'm awesome.. specifically FxXxckOff <3 My B6bf needs to know only the good things (at least until he's jaded enough to not be ascared of all the bad stuff) *winky face*

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Re: B6 Crushes <3 - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

bajajaja autumn is the queen of b6 crushes, all talk and no action

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Star - 07-09-2012

-got to second base with autumn which > no action at all

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - TheB6Bitch - 07-09-2012


Re: B6 Crushes <3 - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

i see no second base in those pictures at all, i dont even see mouth on mouth contact, i see above clothes touching, which isnt a base at all

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Star - 07-09-2012

-doesn't need to prove it to anybody, autumn and i know what's up.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-09-2012

Fuck yeah, I'm a b6 crush whore. Don't be a hater. Word, we know what happened and so does Tim. Jeremy, faggy Eric, Chuck, Joe, Su, blah blah blah. Fred's mad because he's been forever waiting for it, it happened and he didn't see it

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Re: B6 Crushes <3 - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


star was more hyped about it than i ever was, she would get super excited every time the gathern would roll around and get all squshy thinking about it, and then bummed because she didnt think you would follow through